In this project, we delve into the complete online transformation of the Orions Fashion brand, a renowned retailer of fashion accessories.
Our mission was to design a user-friendly online store and grow their online visibility with effective marketing. The redesigned store allows customers to easily navigate through a variety of fashion accessories and seamlessly add personalized upsell offers at the cart and checkout stages. Visibility on Google was enhanced through effective SEO practices, and with our partners, we developed compelling video marketing content for their target audience to enjoy.
In our effort to improve the Orions Fashion online store, we replaced the traditional shopping cart with a modern slide cart. Previously, customers were redirected to a separate page to view or edit their cart, a process that often led to cart abandonment, especially on mobile devices.
The new slide cart allows customers to add and remove products directly from their current page, streamlining the shopping experience. Insights from Hotjar screen recordings indicated that the old cart system was a significant barrier for mobile users, who are their primary audience.
Additionally, the slide cart subtly introduces relevant product upsells, contributing to increased sales opportunities. This feature has been instrumental in achieving the improved performance metrics seen after the site’s relaunch, demonstrating our commitment to a seamless and efficient customer experience.
Orions Fashion previously suffered from low traffic and moderate conversion rates and sales.
After the online transformation, we have seen great improvements in performance metrics. Targeted marketing efforts have increased both the number and quality of visitors, while the new user-friendly website improved the conversion rate by almost 3.5%, leading to a significant increase in sales.
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